Cervical spondylosis is a common problem among middle-aged people, especially senior citizens. The main cause of this issue is the natural ageing process which causes wear & tear of bones, other factors include surgery and previous spine trauma. According to the study, more than 85% of adults above the age of 60 suffer from back pain. Cervical spondylosis causes immense pain in areas of the neck, spine and shoulders and numbness in areas around the shoulders and arms. But such problems can be solved through medications and physical therapy, no surgery is needed until the case is extremely serious. Usually, the issue can be solved with the help of regular exercise, even doctors suggest exercising regularly which helps keep your bones and muscles moving and in good condition.
Exercising regularly will help you break the chain of the never-ending cycle of your daily activities and will keep your bones and muscles healthy & hearty.

Types of exercises cervical spondylosis
There are various recommended exercises by the doctors majorly focusing on the neck & shoulders. Before starting any of these exercises it is required to warm up your body first, warming up gives a head start to muscles for upcoming movements. Make sure your body and mind are relaxed before starting the exercises.
Warming-up exercises include:-
- Moving your head in a circle clockwise for 15 seconds then anticlockwise for 15 seconds
- Moving your head up & down for 30 seconds
- Rotate your head from left to right & right to left for 30 seconds
These warm-up exercises stretch your muscles and eradicate the stiffness present in your muscles.
Note:- If you feel uneasy and it is extremely painful to perform any of the exercises stop right there and consult a doctor immediately. Pain should be felt at a comfortable & bearable level while performing any of the exercises.
Your muscles might feel sore after finishing the set of exercises but it should not last for more than 24 hours from your completion of exercises. Sore muscles are a sign that you have done the exercises correctly.
The six major exercises for cervical spondylosis are:-
- Neck glides
- Neck rotations
- Chin tuck
- Shoulder waves
- Headlights
- Neck stretches
1. Neck glides
Stand or sit comfortably then glide your chin forward while keeping your shoulders and back straight. Hold this position for 5 seconds then glide back your chin to normal.
Repeat this exercise 10 times.

2. Neck rotations
Start by standing or sitting in a straight position with your head right above your spine.
Rotate your head towards your right shoulder looking straight from your right shoulder, hold this position for 5 seconds and return to the front.
Rotate your head towards your left shoulder looking straight from your left shoulder, hold this position for 5 seconds and return to the front.
Do this exercise 10 times

3. Chin tuck
Sit or stand in a comfortable position and relax your shoulders.
Straighten your neck and head.
Slowly glide your chin backwards and hold it for 5 seconds.
Return to normal position.
Repeat the exercise 10 times – (Chin tuck)
4. Shoulder waves
Stand up straight in a comfortable position and relax your shoulders.
Spread out your hands straight sideways in a natural manner.
Slowly roll your arms in a circular motion clockwise 10 times.
Repeat the process anticlockwise 10 times
5. Head lift
Lie down comfortably on a mat and relax your shoulders.
Tuck your chin towards your neck and slightly lift your head from the ground.
Maintain the position for 5 seconds and gently lower your head back to the normal position.
Repeat this exercise 10 times

6. Neck stretches
Stand or sit in a comfortable position with your head & neck straight.
Tilt your head sideways to the right till your ear touches your shoulder, and hold the position for 5 seconds.
Repeat the process by tilting your head towards your left shoulder and holding it for 5 seconds.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Some doctors also recommend doing light aerobic exercises like walking, running, swimming, cycling and even equipment exercises like treadmill & stationary bike.
These exercises give less stress to your neck muscles but are very helpful for increasing mobility and flexibility of your muscles as these exercises increase our heart rate and multiple bones are in working mode while exercising.
Cervical spondylosis is not an uncommon disease, it affects the majority of the middle-aged population and they have to suffer the effects such as back pain, neck pain, stiff shoulders and arms & numbness. Exercising regularly with medications will completely eradicate the pain and you will be able to live your normal life without any obstacles. These exercises amplify the flexibility and mobility of your muscles which slows down the ageing process of bones because healthy movements to exercise increase the efficiency of bones as well as muscles. Regular movements in our body will annihilate any stiffness in our arms and shoulders.